Friday, 19 July 2013

Just Say Hello

Like many days Tuesday dawned like any other day. However this was no ordinary Tuesday. This was Tuesday 16th July 2013 and this day was MOT day.  I'm sure like most people who drive, however confident you are about your car, the three letters which strike fear into the heart are M.O.T.

 Now fear not this post is not an hour long rant about the evils of the MOT system, however it needs to be mentioned to set the scene. I dutifully dropped the car into the garage with a smile and started back on my walk home. The walk itself normally wouldn't take more than maybe 5 -10 minutes, but due to my slightly increasing waistline I decided to take the slightly longer and scenic route.

 It was while walking, with the sun shining high in the sky, a slight breeze (thank you god) and feeling pretty happy about life in general that my mood naturally began to lift. So it was with a friendly smile on my face that I greeted the first person I saw. "Morning" i said with a happy tone and a pleasant smile. Silence was the reply as they passed by avoiding eye contact. Undeterred I continued on my walk, passing by a large lake, and stopping to enjoy the sight of a dragon fly gliding and diving over the water. A duck swam past and gave me a friendly quack, and generally bird song filled the air. I carried on, passing more people enjoying a morning walk. Again I stuck up a friendly "Morning" and again silence was the stern reply. I continued my attempts at conversation with anyone I saw on my walk, and of all the attempted "Morning" conversation starters the best I was able to achieve was a less than enthusiastic grunt from one passer by.

 While not disheartened by their less than friendly responses, it began to highlight to me the changing attitudes of people to others. We are living in a society so gripped with fear of other people and the unknown that we are pulling back into ourselves. I would like to say that it is more of a general problem and not one which appears to be affecting only the more urban area's of life, but I'm unable to. On a regular basis I walk in rural area's and canal paths. Time and again while on these walks I will encounter people either going about their day to day tasks or doing the same as me. A friendly "Morning" or "Hello" is responded to with a smile and a friendly reply.

 To many people life has just become to busy to spend time casually talking to strangers. If I'm walking in an urban area, I'm in a hurry, I'm busy on my phone texting or "talking" to someone, that I haven't the time to interact with mere passers by on the street. Anyway how do I know what they are like, I might say Hello and get stabbed just for looking at them wrong. While I accept and understand peoples reservations about speaking to a stranger for fear of what might happen, we also have to ask ourselves the question how many people are we passing by who might just need that simple "Hello" or "Morning" to actually be the only person they spoke to that day. Its a shocking thought to think that for some people, depending on the jobs they do, or the circumstances they live in, that simple greeting may be the only interaction with someone they have all day.

 I'm under no false illusions that this simple act will in some way change the world, but wouldn't it be nice to be the person on the receiving end of a friendly greeting. It doesn't even need to be a greeting, it can simply be a friendly smile, holding the door open for somebody. It can start in the smallest way and suddenly you find people smiling at you, greeting you, holding the door open for you, picking up an item you've dropped and passing it to you. Take a moment to think just how nice a place this world could be if we just took a few minutes each out of our hectic life to be friendly to someone else.

 So here is my challenge to everyone. It wont be easy and I'm the first to admit I'm having to make active choices to stay on this challenge myself. The next time you leave the house, whether going to work, the shops or anywhere. Take a few moments to smile at someone as you walk past (just a pleasant smile not a full blown grin) hold the door for someone, help someone who needs just a few seconds of your time. When your at work, again a simple smile, or a friendly morning. Hold the lift when someones running for it, it really doesn't matter how small or large the gesture is. If everyone does something small the impact felt could be massive. Hey you never know,that simple "Hi" could lead onto something massive for you in the future.

 I've started it already, and its true, not everyone is going to reply to you, or even smile back, but its over time that things can change. We lived in a society of community and friendship, is that really such a bad thing to strive to regain again, or are we happier to risk slipping further down into a world where communication has never been so easy or available  but where we lack the simple ability to greet another without being fearful!

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Rants, Ramblings and Revalations

The joy of a first post. The anticipation of those crisp fresh words spilling out onto the page like fresh rain drops on a hot summers day. So you may be asking yourself what exactly will Shed Tales actually be about, and hopefully the title of this first post may help solve that.

 This blog aims to be a little bit about this, a bit about that and sometimes a dollop of something else. There will be good times, humor happiness and joy and I'm sure there will be times when there will be sadness and unhappiness. 

So why Shed Tales?

 I'm so glad you asked that. Eventually Shed Tales will be written from my shed studio, while I work on the many projects buzzing around inside my head. At the moment it sits on the drawing table of my mind not quite able to take the steps it wants to to come into creation, but I have learnt over recent times that with many things in life, while it is important to strive for success and to have a determination, there are also times when we must step back and look at the larger picture. This may not be the time to do that particular task, it may be time to rethink the task, it may be time to remove that task completely.

So who are you?

 Me, oh I am many things to many people. First and foremost I am a unique human, I am a Husband, a father, a son, a grandson, a friend, a work colleague, a customer, a passerby on the street. I am a film fan, a lover of reading, an IT Technician, a Amateur Radio HAM, a student of all things, a Christian.

 Everyone is something and someone to somebody, and for most they will read through my list and nod and agree with many of the things we are to others. There may be some who read the word Christian and think "oh great a religious nut" Fear not my new bloggy friends, while my faith will come into the posts I write on occasional's I am not here to convert the masses, or look down on you. This blog is about love, peace, happiness, contentment and most of all fulfillment. The doors of this blog are firmly open and will I hope always be open to anyone wishing to enter, to read, to discuss, to ask questions. I may not be the answer to your questions, but I have the ears and the open mind to listen to all who ask.

Why a blog?

 I know for an opening blog this is turning into quite a long post, but stick with me people. I've been looking at blogging for the past few years but somehow it always looked like I had nothing to say. I suppose partly because that was the truth. So have I suddenly had a revelation about what to write? Well not exactly no, but I have realized that the topics to talk about are all around us, in life itself. The experiences we feel, the things we do, the people we meet.

For an opening post that took more time than I expected :) but I'm hoping not to have scared anyone away just yet. Im looking forward to taking who ever reads and follows this blog on a journey through life itself. The road may sometimes be bumpy but if you keep your hands and feet inside the car as all times, it should be a safe trip :)

Thank you all for taking the time out of your precious day to read my opening ramblings, and I'm already in the process of thinking up my next post.
